Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Dream: 19 Projects (an intro)

You may say the dream is something that has never been dreamed before. A nut case. An illusion. A gold mine filled with land mines. A far-fetched entity.

But today, I dare say that it is in fact the beginning of a reality. The very thing that will wipe out the facade of uselessness, corruption (the world bank defines corruption as use of public office for private profit), and lack of integrity. The beginning is merely the notion that a dream such as we have as our mission statement is possible with our generation. Yes, it all starts with a dream. Small or big. A one-person dream or the dream of a Nation. A single dream or multiple dreams put together. It was what propelled Martin Luther King Jr. to speak on a threshold that will one day change the mind of Americans. Out of a scale from 10 (highly clean) to 0 (most corrupt), Nigeria has a corruption perception index (CPI) of 2.0-2.4 (HERE). What does this tell you? It is one huge mess! It does not matter whether there are 31 Countries with a worse corruption perception index. How did Denmark gain a confidence range of 9.2-9.6? The world has a high confidence in Denmark. We can learn from Countries such as the ones with a high confidence scale! What are their Citizens doing?

This brings me to our dream teams, the famous 19 project teams. Made up of fellow Citizens of Nigeria. You can sit back and whine, roll around on your couches, and stuff yourselves with gestures and remarks about the ill-mannered politicians in your Country. But what roles have you played towards the development of this oil-rich Country? A land flowing with a wealth of vast and rare natural resources? The dream of having 19 project teams is to open up a platform to discuss real projects. This is not merely a discussion forum, it is a forum that will open up creativity for the average Nigerian. Take this as your sewing table, your architectural design, or your fashion designing template. Here's your mic. What project do you have in mind. 19 projects were formed stemming from 19 divisions of academic majors. Your academic study should fall under one of these.

The plan is that you, as a citizen filled with ideas, will take concepts from what you learn at school, and then think of a particular area in the Country you will like to work on. If you are a member of the Facebook group, you will post your idea on the message board and a phone conference meeting will be held on the Saturday after your post to determine the actual tasks that will accomplish your idea.

Rome was not built in one day. Neither is any task expected to be achieved in one year. But if you are not trying to gather the sticks and stones, Rome may never be built. It definitely took Singapore a while to knock down the gates of corruption, and now on the CPI, they are #4. Hopefully, if you read this piece you will be inspired to join a project team, dream up a project, and post up your idea on the message boards. You can even comment about your idea in response to this post, and it will be well seated with one of the members of the group. Someone can take your idea and run with it. You just may never know until you begin to have ONE VOICE.

N4C Crew.


tommeh said...

One voice it is and should be

Anonymous said...

One Voice!!!

Zoe Believer said...

Erere, well done. It's insanity to expect change without doing something different. We should be the change we want to see in our world.